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Ph: 302KentonJ, or better, Connect then (prefer Video) or Mtg


Expert WORK / Consulting / PROFIT Improvement: 
Contract, Remote / possible Onsite – 100+ Talents / Skills –

Finance (raising $Ms of Debt or Equity), CRE, Tech, Natural Resources, Education –

Analysis, Excel-type Sheets, Marketing, Communications, Training, Software Development, Project Management of it all, as well as Advisory / Director Boards.


while doing regular, remote hourly work assignments.


Dear Executive:  while you’re looking for, or building to, the perfect full-time worker, as more and more people leave their short- and long-term positions,


Increase Profitability  •  By hiring an Expert to do the Work / Consulting  •  To improve your systems.




As I build the resources to focus full effort on our CRE Finance business throughout this year, with the help of my CxO-level Advisory Team,


I am available for part-time hourly, low-overhead, high-impact work.


Successfully consulting for 40+ years – know / understand a wide range of recent technology – enjoy working – immediate action, fast, accurate, effective, timely, rapid research, clear communications – can-do attitude.


“I excel at Excel:” creating, debugging, improving, programming –
and consolidating dissimilar silos of information into powerful daily, weekly and monthly reports –
more below in “Hi-Tech Computer.”


Understand the structure of Romance languages, so can edit their translations to normal, regional English and technical accuracy.


Also available for a limited number of paid Boards of Advisors and Directors.


Types:  1099, or better, company invoices.


Talents (quickly scan or page search for your keywords)


Expertise:  very knowledgeable in Finance, Business, Marketing, Sales, Acquisition – Residential and Commercial Real Estate, its and general Technology, Natural Resources (incl mining and O&G).


Financing:  Debt or Equity – Prepare Projections and full Packages – Introduce Already-Vetted and Newly-Vetted Sources – Assist with Sales, Communications and the myriad


Analysis Services:  Real Estate Viability, Financial Projections, Markets, Sales, Startup Docs, Reports – more at – practice most weekly.


Hi-Tech Computer:  Create, Correct / Improve, Convert:


Excel-type Spreadsheets (MS Office, Open Office, Google), their Macros, as well as

Combine dissimilar sheets (stored anywhere accessible) into powerful daily, weekly and monthly sheets or documents – more at Excel Productivity Enhancements:  Using, Consolidating, Rearranging – practice weekly; 


HTML (directly or via Word; 1,505+ web pages; 50+ Websites) – practice weekly;


Versions of FORTRAN and C;


Write specs for all types of Software and Systems Development.


Communications:  Business Plans, Executive Summaries, Overviews, Articles, Newsletters, Marketing, Sales – Scripts, Reports and other Documents /  Presentations (directly into or updating) – Written, Audio and Video – MS-Office-type Apps and Social Media – practice daily.


Training:  Social Media, Communications, Sales, Marketing, Spreadsheets and Leadership


Much more at:


supported by 100+


Management of all the above.


Rates (special 60% discount this month from Project Services rates)


Consulting @ $125 / hour for 4 hours –> @ $30 / hour for 80+ hours per month

Add 20% for Canada/Mexico and 40% elsewhere.


Special-Discount Minimum / day:  4 hours.


New Weekly Assignments @ $60/hour.


Based on


Even Higher-Value Alternative: – $499 / month – includes one vetted financial source per month – excellent value at 10x the price.




Part Time:  up to 30 hours per week – can deliver any day of the week.


Remote, most of the work;  Onsite, weekly or less frequently (expenses paid if > 40 miles one way) – note:  highly effective on video apps.


Full Time:  for short durations, and could include on site, if necessary and a higher rate (client pays expenses to relocate temporarily).


Location:  home / office at Southpark, Littleton CO USA.


COVID Masks / Vaccines:  NOT using either, and have a strong immune system supported by well-researched wellness practices (which can also teach).  I will continue to stay very healthy, measuring 20 years younger, and will be one of the few available for future assignments.




Short: (PDF download link - click Name)


Long: (PDF download link - click Name)


Graphical with dozens of examples:




Supported by wide-range Team of CxO-level company Advisors and other Experts:  Company



To a GREAT YEAR!   Kenton •




If we’ve not already, please add yourself to our Business/Collaboration InfoPortal ( - about 4 emails / month), and add us to yours.


There are at least two dozen hiring qualities as important as particular experiences (Forbes plus Indeed). I fit them ALL: Advanced Studies • Ambition • Common Sense • Communications • Confidence • Dependability • Determination • Discipline • Eagerness To Learn • Empathy • EQ • Explorer / Learner Mindset • Fitting In • Flexibility • Grit • Honesty • Hustle • Innovation / Creativity • Leadership • Life Experience • Logic • Loyalty • Motivation • Personality • Positivity • Problem Solving • Self-Awareness • Self-Reliance • Teamwork • Winning Attitude • Work Ethic


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